My dog of 15 yrs, Cocoa, had to be put to sleep today. He had lost the sense, over 6 months ago, to go out side to the bathroom. He lost use of his back legs from time to time. The seizures became big this week, and he stayed at vet or the Emergency hospital, except last night, when we thougt they were under control. But he was up 2 times and went all over himself, since he was no longer standing up (drowsiness from meds)(had to have baths). The Dr said this morning, his quality wouldn't get any better, and maybe it was time. I made the decision when he had that next seizure at 9am. I could have been a brain tumor.
I originally got him, after about a year old, hanging out at my mom's (and other neighbors) ... It was one freezing New Years night, and I couldn't stand it anymore. My dad has told him through the years, that he definately led the life of luxury ! Air condition home ... water bed ... all the girls at the vet who loved him when I was cruising !! Special dog food and treats ! You name it !
WILL MISS HIM ! He has been a lot of work for the last 6 months, and expensive for 15 years, but that little tail wagging will be missed more than I thought it would be, especially when reality sets in !
No more pets, so please, no one try to talk me into this again !!