Tuesday, August 14, 2012

CNN claiming which country is a No-Vacation country”. Is there an affect on family … Wind down time … Health ?

  Even years back, I was a work-a-holic. My vacation time off from my real job, I would spend doing odd jobs to bring in more money ! Even my honeymoon was only a three day weekend to Luray Caverns ! Yes, years of this, paid off in saving money, so I could now own my own business … But did it really ?

Per Wikipedia, A vacation or holiday is a specific trip or journey, usually for the purpose of recreation or tourism.

So staying home, doing odd jobs for my self or others, actually was no real vacation at all !

Luckily, back in 1991, when I began working for a local bank, here in Lynchburg, I quickly climbed up the ladder. Starting with 3 weeks vacation, it soon became 4, then 5, and then 6 weeks ! Today, after all these years in the cruise VACATION business, I can not even imagine being only allotted two weeks a year off !

And today, even more so, life delivers many more stresses on each of us. Which in turn, should mean, that we choose to find more time for “freeing up our mind” … Taking a truer break from everything !  Yet, do we ?

CNN is claiming, it’s Americans …  Versus other countries … Americans

* Only receive two, maybe three weeks off out of a whole year.

* Many jobs only allow one week at a time.

* Many employees are still on call or must check e-mail while on vacation.

Per CNN …

And only 57% of U.S. workers use up all of the days they're entitled to.

It's a totally different story in other parts of the world.  One woman from German states, “My husband gets six weeks of paid vacation a year, … and His company makes sure he takes all of it”.

For your enjoyment, here’s the rest of the article …

France take on vacation …

American can learn from Europeans work and life balances …http://www.cnn.com/2011/OPINION/05/25/cooper.vacation.europe/index.html

Checking e-mail on vacation is not healthy

The Importance of Vacations, for Stress Relief, Productivity and Health
Why not share article with your boss ! And why can we just simply ask our doctor for a prescription !

The American Institute of Stress reports, “Increased levels of job stress have been demonstrated to be associated with increased rates of heart attack, hypertension and other disorders.” Here’s more …

Your brain needs vacation …

PS. One valuable lesson my boss taught me when working at the bank. “When you make a date with yourself, not only never cancel it, but do not even partially change it, for another !”

Isn't it time to get away !