Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Subjection to Heart Attacks, when not taking the "time off" you've been given

When was the last time you had a real vacation ?

I was talking the other day  with some guys who told me they didn't take all their vacation each year.  They roll it over.

Others telling me they only have time for quick weekend getaways !

My question to you ... Is it worth giving everything to your job ... Even your life ?  You do know,, once you leave that job or laid off, you are quickly forgotten,  no matter how great you were or how much money you made for the company !

Is it worth working so hard, not to be here for your family ?  That may sound drastic !  No one is asking you to take 6 months off.  Just take what has been allotted too you.  And I suggest you do further studies on minimum of time you need to get away, to reduce this risk of a heart attack !

Quotes from below article:

"We all work so hard. Vacation is just as important, otherwise what are we even working for!"

“Americans forfeit $34.3 billion in vacation days, according to CNNMoney, by simply not taking advantage of all of accrued days off.”

“In 2009 the National Academy of Sciences found that chronic stress may actually shrink your brain, as well as contribute to overall feelings of irritability, depression and continually feeling unfocused. “

“However, annual vacations have been found to cut the risk of heart attack by 30% in men and 50% in women, while also benefiting sleep patterns and connectivity to loved ones. The U.S. Travel Association points out that four out of ten travelers feel more romantic on vacation, in part to feeling more connected with family and friends. Even thoughts of impending time away generate overall positive feelings about economy, life situations and health.”


Another article:

An annual holiday is said to reduce the risk of heart attack by 30 percent in men and by 50 per cent in women.”

“Various experts define a good vacation length as ranging from two to three weeks.”

Go here for more to this article:

Share this insight with your boss ... Your spouse !