This happened to my associates' customers last week !!
Customer book a Celebrity Panama canal cruise, which was to sail last week. Client called associate a month ago, double checking that NO PASSPORT required, so associated called Celebrity and they said NO ! Associate also checked the government website !!
Client gets to pier, along with others, who only had passport cards, and they were denied boarding.
My associate called Celebrity direct and spoke with supervisors and they all agreed there was NO reason to deny boarding and they should be able to cruise. The pier captain OVERODE the corporate people and said no boarding, leaving them stranded with a bunch of other people as well. They even spoke to a high up individual from Celebrity in Miami and they agreed they can sail but the pier can overide the cruise line.
My associate got them rooms in Miami for the night, and they got passports the next morning, and flew to the Grand Cayman to catch the ship the next day.
All this was costly to my associates' customers !
The passport people advised my associate that they were not at fault and a passport wasnt required for this cruise . However the pier can overide anyone.
The moral for this is, don't trust the cruiseline or even the customs regulations, because the authority at the pier has FINAL SAY .
CRUISES INC SUGGEST GETTING A PASSPORT TODAY ! If you don't have a passport, that special cruise will come along, and you'll have to MISS THE BOAT !
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