As always, fantastic ! Whether it be … Adventuring on another cruise; or another cruise to Alaska ! How I get lucky, to see NO RAIN, almost every time I visit !
Truly, I know, one of my main reasoning for loving Alaska, is it’s scenery … More specifically … I just love looking at mountains ! They give me that cozy feeling of peace and serenity !
My first time to Alaska, back in 1977, sadly, wasn’t a pleasant experience, nor was it about sightseeing ! I opted to get married, actually 2-3 weeks before graduating high school, so I could leave, soon after, on a 10 day drive, for “his” Air Force duty in. (See PS & PSS below)
My dislike for driving and riding today, I know, justifiably began from this horrifying ride there; only partially, speaking of the “back then” treacherous roads of the Alaska Highway (FYI, gas was $2 a gal there) - more history, go here. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska_Highway) ! Fortunately, my 2 ½ month wife battered experience, didn’t leave me to hate Alaska … but instead, I literally can’t get enough !
Here’s a few more memories … Summer 1977 …
* Elvis Presley died (Aug 16)
* Sebastian Cabot, actor (Mr French-Family Affair), dies
* Groucho Martin, NYC, comedian (Marx Bros), dies
* Soft drink industry kept changing the tab tops, trying to develop one, where the consumer could no longer through the top on the ground; also, short time lived the "skinny” can soft drink.
* NJ allows casino gambling in Atlantic City
* Apple II, the 1st personal computer, goes on sale
* Doobie Brothers sponsor a Golf Classic & Concert for United Way
* James Earl Ray (Martin Luther King's killer) escapes from prison (and recaptured)
* "I'm Your Boogie Man" by KC & Sunshine Band peaks at #1
* "Beatlemania" opens on Broadway
* Space Shuttle test model "Enterprise" carries a crew aloft for 1st time
* Oil enters Trans-Alaska pipeline exits 38 days later at Valdez
* Marvel Comics publish "Kiss book" tributing rock group Kiss
* US Railway Post Office final train run (NY to Wash DC)
* Mohammed al-Zahaby, Egyptian minister, murdered
* Stacy Moskowitz, shot to death by Son of Sam, at 20
* US & Panamana sign Panama Canal Zone accord
See more, here. http://www.historyorb.com/date/1977
Most of my cruises to Alaska have been on Holland America, Princess or Celebrity. I’ve yet to travel there, by way of, Carnival and Royal Caribbean, , and a few of you know, my least favorite choice would be Norwegian.
This time, I went on the Zaandam (Holland America) for 7 nights, with one night in Seattle. One of my good clients and great friend, Nancy of Phoenix, AZ traveled with me. Due to Nancy’s other cruise planned, in August, to Europe, she realistically could only take a week off for this venture.
We began by flying into Seattle, a city we both love ! After checking into the Fairmont Marriott, near the airport, we went back to the airport, to take the tram to downtown.
Before arriving downtown, we did make one stop, at a market I saw on the side of the road. Once down town, naturally, we went to Pike’s Market. Our walking here, as expected, totally wore us out. However, before leaving, we had a delightful cup of home made clam chowder.
So we came back to the hotel, rested, then off to eat at Sharp’s RoastHouse , where we’ve scrumptiously eaten BBQ before. Turn in time this evening was early, seriously, not by choice ! Up early and off to the airport, next morning, for our motor coach ride, with Holland America to Vancouver !
One of the most fun parts and my 2nd joy for cruising (my 1st joy is relaxation; non-working), are the meals ! I don’t cook, so when I crave some good eating, I have to head out to a near by restaurant (close to home - cause I don’t like to drive), or truly just plan that next cruise ! Holland America was certainly exception, these 7 days, for their entrées at dinner ! With cutting back on the amount of food, that I now eat in each setting (as of January), I was happily pleased, that our waiter, would accommodate me, with a small sampler plate of all the entrees, each evening (leaving off the veggies and potato).
After dinner each evening, we did go oft to the different shows. Seriously, they all seem to be cutting back on entertainment !
With Nancy and I, both, cruising to Alaska many times (even another time together), we actually choose not to partake in any shore excursions this visit. Fortunately, we’ve both done everything there we’ve wanted to do; some tours more than once ! We basically choose to take leisure walks through the town, as we shopped ! We also visited the Red Dog Saloon in Juneau; Red Onion Saloon in Skagway, along with the “Days of 98” show; And bought halibut for lunch on the creek of Ketchikan. We did opt, for our first time, the Alaska Railroad train ride from Seward to Anchorage which is absolutely a must for some great mountain views (see picture album below) !
A sample of shore tours I’ve done on my past Alaska cruises include … The Deadliest Catch tour, whale watching, fishing, crabbing, flight seeing, glacier walking, glacier cruises, totem poles carving demonstration, salmon bake, cooking demonstrations, canoeing, panning for gold, Eagle Rapture Centers, going into the mines, train rides, up into the Yukon territory, dog sledding, dog camps, visit gardens, and more ! Things that don’t interest me, nor Nancy, include, water rafting, snorkeling, tracking, zip lining; typically, such things of this same nature.
Once in Anchorage, we did a little shopping. We even went to the market, which I have visited before. We then choose to rest a little, while enjoying a nice meal, at a restaurant I've visited before, Glacier BrewHouse. Note, we both wanted to go to the Sourdough Mining Company (across street is chocolate factory with a fountain of running chocolate), but it was outside of town; about a $30 cab ride (If you're staying in a hotel in Anchorage and have 10 people, they will complimentary come pick your group up).
Let my 425 pictures tell the rest of the story ! A few of the pictures have captions, but you can’t see the caption unless you make the picture larger (and the caption is written tiny, below picture) http://cruzladycustomerscruise.shutterfly.com/27
Since home, I've updated my article, go here: My 10 steps in choosing an Alaska cruise and/or cruise-tour. http://vwebb.cruisesinc.com/travel/admin/CMSTemplates/DisplayDraft.html?draft_display=true&edOid=1611671610
PS. My X is still living in Anchorage, however, ended his Air Force career as soon as his 4 year term was over. Fortunately for me, I've only seen him once since; from a distance; in K-mart, Madison Heights; 1980.
PSS. I am also a life coach. If you or know anyone who was victimized as a battered wife, and would like to partake in complimentary coaching sessions; leave me a message on my coach phone line: (434) 473-7470 (mention this article)
This mustang looks someone like "my car", that I rode in to Alaska.

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