Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Adding to your packing list can most certainly make your vacation (cruise)

We all have list of regular items we often choose to take with us, when we’re bound for our upcoming cruise ! However, due to “weight restrictions”, often we begin to eliminate items we take, which we wish we had.

My case is the same; I now leave more home than I ever did before. Many would say that it looked like I took “all but the kitchen sink”; but not any more, with weight restrictions !

Couple weeks ago, before leaving, I did STOP, at the last minute, and recalled a few things, I best put in that suitcase; which did come in handy:

1) Allergy Meds.
Sure enough, I broke out with a stress cold, just before we boarded. With Sandy about to approach and us in Connecticut, but needing to re-board Amtrak, day of sailing, for NJ, I guess, as usual, stress got the best of me.

2) Cough Drops.
Yes, these came in handy with the stress cold.

3) Plastic baggies.
The Explorer of the Seas had a 24 hour café down on Promenade deck. I kept these plastic baggies on me, and used for cookies, etc, to take up to the room for later eating.

4) Sea Sick pills (I use meclazine)
With going down the East Coast and experiencing Sandy first hand, I know I was glad I had not forgotten these.  NOTE:  I don't actually get sea sick physically; mine is mentally; all one has to do is talk about it, and I know I would be affected; Once I take the pill, folks can talk about it all day long and I am not lucky NOT affected.  MY SUGGESTION: Often I hear folks say such meds cause them to get sleepy; I take them when I’m ready for bed !

5) Sweat shirt.
It was cold when leaving NJ due to the storm of Sandy; and even after leaving Bermuda; I was so glad to have these !

6) Cell phone charger.
Oh yes, I had mine ! Being in roaming area, your charge goes down much more quickly.

7) Multi-electric plug.
Remember, there’s usually only one electrical outlet in the room; on the desk area.

8)  Pen and note paper
I always seem to be needing this !

9)  Laudry bag.
I love our Cruises Inc laundry bags.  So nice to put all the clothes that need washing into one area, for putting back into your suite case.

10) Snacks.
These came in handy on the train.  And seriously, it is a good idea to take with you when you are on the land, while on your cruise; you may not get back to ship right at lunch time, etc.

11) Business cards.
You meet so many new folks that you want to keep in contact with, once the cruise is over !

12)  Flat and comfortable shoes (and socks).
These came in handy with Sandy !  I left the higher shoes parked right in the closet mostly the whole time !  Some folks may think it is crazy, but if it is cold, and all you have is sandals, PUT THOSE SOCKS RIGHT ON !

Nothing is life is 100% perfect.  And with this cruise involving Sandy, anyone could have chosen to let themselves get worked up over a cruise which may bring a little swaying.  Choosing to focus on the positive is always the most certain way to take your mind.  Our Captain, the Cruise Director, and the shows, and the ship itself, MADE OUR CRUISE.  It's all in your choice of attitude !

What I wish I had included:

1) Insulated coffee mug.
As mentioned, the Explorer of the Seas had a 24 hour café with coffee available. The coffee cups are now very small. Had I had the coffee mug, I could have made less trips to the café and kept the coffee hotter longer while up on deck or through the ship.

2) Nose drops !

3) Camera.
It had been suggested to me, why take a camera when you have your cell phone camera. NOTE: Not all cell phone cameras are treated equal. Mine was not that great !
SUGGTESTION: Use your own instinct with such things and DON’T listen to other folks !

4) Bottle opener.
Who ever things you need one of these anymore ? Believe it or not, we had bought, at the store, drinks that needed a bottle opener to open (when we were at the hotel). I had a thin one from Alaska, but left it home.

5)  Hair Brush
I usually only use a pick; but with all the wind from Sandy, I could have used that brush !

Hey, there's that next cruise, in remembering to keep this valuable list !

If you have items that have come in handy for you, or you too, forgot to take, please share.

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