Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Turning up the heat. Protecting your vacation. Who’s swimming in your life boat. Who might need more protection ?

My long time customers, of 15-20+ years, and I, often find time, in taking a break “from the serious” (their vacation), and share, some of what, each of our lives, might currently be throwing at us.   It can bring a lot of laughter to ones day, as you share same “life boat” experiences, in reference to work and family !

Relationship building is one of Cruises Inc’s core features, as is our sister company CONE, versus some of our other companies, who merely serve as a $299 discount provider.  Getting to know my customers, as well as, them getting to know me, is how we each learn the others habits, moves, needs, and even expectations.

Fortunate for me and Cruises Inc, 70% of my customers are just like me/us.   High attention to detail, want every “T” crossed, and we go steps beyond, in avoiding surprises !  Then there’s the other 30%, who seemingly either, love taking life chances, by riding “side of the life boat”, or have no realization, that the waters are just lurking to grab them !

These waters love folks who …
*Are last minute people
*Love to make changes

Though vacations are all about FuN … The real of the fun, doesn’t actually take place, till “after you get there”.  And though pre-planning activities, is part of the fun, there’s a whole lot of “serious” that needs to stay in the making, till you get there … Helping to avoid chaotic waters ! 

Though fixing problems has been my life forte … That natural “high” I gain from this industry … They don’t come without a lot of stress and prayers ! 

Thankfully, my long time veterans have been around me and this industry so long, they KNOW to “heed” to the many industry horror stories I’ve shared !  So when a life boggling situation faces them or a possible “what if”, I’m the first person on their call list, before assuming any of their own thoughts, are in their best interest.

Unfortunately, this same tactics doesn’t seem to hold true for folks who have yet to encounter vacation fowl-ups or maybe this is their first vacation through us, and don’t quite realize how our expertise is here for the benefit of their safe keeping. 

Over the last 10 years, I’ve learned that “women groups” are the most famous for this (sometimes regular groups).  Most members aren’t actually involved in the confirmation, so they’re also unaware of reasons for decisions/choices made for the group. 

There’s truly a difference between “care-free” choices and “unavoidable life-situations” !  Folks with life-situations, are praying that their need will see mercy on their situation.  While care-free choices, seem to follow with, “What’s the big deal ?”.

Though either can find the vacationer in a bind, folks who use their “bargaining chip” for care-free choices, could forfeit their changes when a real life situation surfaces.

Example.  2 women in a cabin.  They decide they want to change around roommates.  Now the first person in the room can’t go and must cancel.  The 2nd person in room has already changed once.  Now the cruise line won’t allow a second change.  There’s no choice, but to cancel the cabin.  Loose the pricing.  Loose the space.  My hands are tied !  These are the rules !

SEE where “care –free” decisions can get you ?  Whether it’s change roommates, dining, date/ship, tours, etc … In select cases, one’s bargaining chip get used up !  So when that true life situation turns up, there’s nowhere to go … But out !

Other problems I’ve seen occur: 
*One person late in making final payment, lost the dining time for the group
*Group change the dining, and the cruise line not complete all their paperwork, in seeing that the group dine together
*Tours change, only to have everyone now on different times
*Money lost, for a period of time, in the system, from date/ship changes … Even cancellations.
*Folks decide to “no-show” for a flight, only to find their return flight auto cancelled !
*Why come home –let just stay in the island (wakeup – there are fines!).

If folks could only see my “wide eyes” as they are requesting, they would also know, it’s my 25 years of experience reacting to the request.  Unfortunately, there will always be new life-situations, that agents can’t know the request outcome, cause it’s never happened before … Never been requested before. 

The vacation vendor pays the agent to watch over your vacation and provide you with need-to-know details/protection.  Nowhere does the vacation vendor claim, that a vacation won’t get messed up (could be computer glitch), when a vacationer opts in change !

I’ve learned over time, “select vacationers” need to be protected from themselves  … Help them from sinking their own boat !  So while some folks can’t hear my “danger” words, they seem to hear clearer, when you touch their pocket-book !  So while it’s been working well, in deterring self-harm with women groups, as of late, some new vacationers have given me some new experiences, in teaching me to deter more conflict-harm in the future !

I feel sorry more ... For folks who buy their vacation on their own !  No warning of possible disasters !

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