Summer-Long Campaign - Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) and its member cruise lines have announced a summer-long "You Deserve A Cruise" public relations campaign and promotion designed to convince consumers that they have earned the right to take a break from the stresses of today's challenges and that travel is not only beneficial to them but to their country as well. "We're telling consumers that now, more than ever, people need the benefits of relaxed, shared leisure time and that it is not only okay to travel but beneficial. "You Deserve A Cruise" will make the point that cruising, with its outstanding value, is uniquely qualified to serve these needs.
With my prior job at Bank of America, I was fortunate tol have 6 weeks vacation each year. And I can promise you, not only did I take them, had I not, I would have pulled my hair out over work. Taking each week away, made me be able to come back to work with a better attitude for work. I personally believe "vacation is a must" in everyone's lives, and I got into the cruise business to help teach others the value of vacation. Of course, not any vacation ... But a vacation that will actually take you away from it all ... A CRUISE VACATION !
Who else feels this way about needing and deserving vacation, and how better it makes you feel upon returning home ?
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