Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Clients ask, Why do I go to my port of embarkation, one day early ?

Many reasons ...
1) The LYH airport reminds me to remind clients, every time I am in there, to ask clients to fly out a day early !
2) I would rather get there, a day early, and get the worrying, of not missing the ship, over with !
3) I like to rest, the evening and morning, prior to my cruise, than get up extra early to catch my flight ! Even if I am driving or taking the train.
4) Extra day of vacation !

Please note, I've had clients, who had direct flights, and luggage was lost. Go figure ! But another reason, to fly in a day early.

Once, I drove to a port, 7 1/2 hours away. I did leave day before. Good thing ! As soon as I crossed the bridge, heading into hurt, a dear came off the hill, and landed in my grill. Like I tell everyone, I've been around for a while, cruising, and there are many things that have already happened to me, that I don't want to see happen to you.

Once, a group of us was flying out of San Diego. We weren't going the day prior, but that was when, one bought flights from the cruise line, and you were guaranteed to get to the ship, if flight was delayed. Unfortunately, we were going on a Hawaii cruise, and you can Not fly to Hawaii to join the ship in an American port, so if we missed the ship, our cruise would have been null. Though we were late, I could see we were going to make it, but I kept my fingers crossed.

Reminder ... We are never promised, that all will run smooth, going to our cruise. My opinion, it's better to think the best, however, prepare for that unknown, by getting there a day early, and have that part over with !

For some reason, I find, some people, want to fight the idea of going early or paying the extra expense of a night hotel prior (my mother always fights me, but then thanks me, EVERY TIME I make her go early). Going the night prior is like buying an insurance policy ... You buy it in hopes of never needing it, right ? You don't buy insurance because you want to, you do it to protect yourself. It's the same reason, for going one night prior ... And insurance policy that you hope you don't need !

So many clients take my request, and come back, thanking me, that they did not have to rush anywhere, the morning of their cruise. Don't you want this same feeling too ?

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