Wow, let me count the ways. Like the Cruise Line International Association states, there's 101+ reasons to choose from ! (Click title for CLIA's list).
My reasons:
My #1 reason, I'm a work-a-holic. To stop me from work, you have to literally take work away from me. I discovered 26 years ago, take me out of the country on a cruise, and I can't reach my work. Not by phone, not by computer (I don't take my computer on vacation, unless I want work to "win"). Of course, some of my creativity happens, related to work, while I'm on a cruise. But even so, I can't do anything about my ideas, till I get home, so that kind of working is ok for me.
There are only 2 things that clear my mind of work ... A cruise and a movie ! They're both hypnotizing and energizing for me.
Another reason I love cruising is for the food. I don't cook. I'm a microwave person. I'm a hurry up and get it done person, so I can get back to work. I eat while I'm at my computer, if I remember to eat at all. On a cruise, I sit for at least 1 & 1/2 hours, and this is part of the entertainment and relaxation for me. I love being served. I love seeing the happy faces when they feel happy in making me happy. I love having tea or hot coffee at my meal (rather than the cold I drink at my computer). I love the variety of foods I never see in my kitchen. I have no desire to learn how to cook the things I receive on a cruise, however, I love critiquing their food ! As mentioned, I may not know what the ingrediants are, but I know if it's good or not ! I would be a great food critique for the cruise lines !
I love going to the shows and having something different in my life. I don't have time to go to shows when I'm home, except when I force myself out to a movie, once every 6-9 months.
I love shopping. I don't have time for shopping when I'm home, other than to the grocery store, maybe every 6-8 weeks. I'm a junk buyer, so I love to buy things from the native countries, and I bring them home as gifts, for my folks/brother/his new wife, for Christmas and birthdays.
I love seeing sites. Not only where people live, but historical sites.
I use to always take naps each day, something I don't do at home. But last few cruises, I have not done so.
I love sitting on the pool deck; listening to the music; just being quiet.
Drinking and gambling is not my thing on a cruise, so unfortunately, I'm not helping in keeping the low cost for cruising down. Yet, I love watching others gamble, winning, and having a great time !
For me, cruising is vital to my health. I need to get away. I need change. I need new inspiration, new ideas. I need re-vitalization. When I come home, I feel like a new person, and ready to roll again, till the next time I can partake in my next cruise. And I like having the next one planned, so I have something to look foward to.
Now what is your reasoning for Choosing to Cruise.
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