If you haven't joined facebook yet, you should. Facebook is at the heart of the convergence between the online and offline worlds of millions of people worldwide. I'm amazed how many people are using Facebook now - and it's not just those in their 20's using this technology. I'm 50 and 10% of my high school's graduating class is in now in there (and that number is growing rapidly). I've recently found about a dozen friends that I haven't heard from in "many years", to include a lady I met on my 12th cruise (I've now been on 102) on NCL.
Why is Facebook such a phenomenon? Well, in short it allows you to share your daily activities, thoughts and photos with friends. It integrates email, chat, video, photos and applications in an atmosphere that's both friendly and open. It allows you to share your online life with people you would normally share your offline life with anyway.
Not only connecting with old friends or keeping up with current friends, you have the opportunity of making "new" friends. Your friends will have friends, whom you can also make your acquaintance.
Imagine ... A tree falls in your back yard, that needs to be cut down. If you announce this with your friends on facebook, maybe one of your new friends cuts down trees for a living, or if not, among all your many new friends, they may know someone who does ! So it's also about making new connections. Connections that could help make your life more simple !! Or maybe because "you" are there, you help someone make a connection to someone you know. All in all, joining facebook could easily come to your rescue one day, or you may come to the rescue of one of your new found friends !
Besides all the given reasons above, I am learning more about my friends (and my customers) and I am learning about the different aspects of life that affects them or is affecting them ! And what I love "most" is the connection with my customers, whom I have never met ... I'm getting to see pictures of them (and their family) ! Exciting ! Pictures can definately make a more clear connection for the next time you talk to them on the phone !
As the motto goes ... We can never have too many friends !
Join me on facebook. Search: Vivian M Webb
If you are on facebook, please share it's value to you !
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