* 5% off Early Booking Fares (EBF) in group categories.
* All group lead-in fares offer a higher category at a lower fare than public EBF for the same category type.
* Double Amenity value for Balcony and Grill reservations.
* TC Ratios as low as 1 for 8.
* Extra amenity points for all Eastbound Transatlantics in the same season.
* All QUEEN VICTORIA sailings have 10 amenity points and 1 for 10 TCs.
* Groups available on all QUEEN MARY 2 and QUEEN VICTORIA sailings, including holidays and all getaway voyages.
There are 2 great reasons to choose to invite others to cruise with you: # 1, Being a winner in the eyes of others. Family, friends, and co-workers are just waiting for you to introduce them to a great opportunity that you have chosen. # 2, And opportunity for you to cruise FREE (taxes never free in free). Have you considered inviting others to cruise with you next time ? If not, why ?
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